Police Respond To 911 Break-In Call Only To Find The Intruder Is A Turkey

Kansas Sherriff's Deputies responded to an urgent 911 call reporting an intruder had broken in through a window of a family home, only for police to discover the burglar was nothing more than a very confused feathered friend.
OK! obtained a clip of Sean “Sticks” Larkin's recap of the unexpected bodycam footage in a Thanksgiving weekend themed segment of On Patrol: Live's "Crime of the Week."

In the video, cops entered the home and began searching the premises, quickly finding their supposed "suspect" crouched in the corner of one of the property's bedrooms.
"Whatcha doin' old man, huh? What are you doing here?" a deputy can be heard asking as the bodycam footage reveals the home invader is nothing more than a scared turkey. "Yeah, this is my first time with a turkey."

The officers devise a plan, grabbing a plush blanket and spreading it out to attempt to safely catch the flustered fowl in it. While one of the men is temporarily able to get a hold of the bird, in a flurry of feathers, it suddenly flies out of his arms and escapes into another part of the home.
Chasing the turkey into a separate room, the deputies continue to try to catch it with little luck until it begins to get tired. Finally, after a brief scuffle, an officer covers the exhausted bird with a blanket and is able to carry it out of the home.
"I must have taken all the fight out of him," he says as he comes down the stairs of the home, with another replying, "You wore him out."

“On Patrol: Live” rides Fridays and Saturdays at 9ET/6PT on REELZ.
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