How Does CBD Make You Feel? Does It Get You High?

Concerns about how CBD makes you feel can prevent you from trying it even though it may relieve your pain, discomfort or anxiety. You have the right idea if you think that it ranks as the second most active ingredient in marijuana, because it does. However, CBD oil comes from the hemp plant, a cousin of the marijuana plant. Both of them belong to the cannabis family, but hemp does not produce intoxicating effects. According to a report by the Harvard Medical School, it cannot make you high. Marijuana produces intoxicating effects by combining many components, but CBD alone cannot do it. If you want to sleep better or have less anxiety, CBD may help you.
Getting the Facts
The latest research explains why CBD can help people who suffer from a range of ailments. Its potent effects on children who have epilepsy syndromes provide relief when antiseizure medications do not work. In some cases, it stopped the seizures altogether, and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved cannabis-derived medicine for the first time. Scientific studies show that CBD can treat chronic pain of arthritis. It helps prevent inflammation and neuropathic discomfort, two types of chronic pain that do not respond well to treatment.
Replacing Pain Pills with CBD
The U.S. News and World Report cited the experience of a joint pain patient who used a CBD lotion instead of Advil or Ibuprofen to relax muscles and lessen pain. Access to an alternative option to treat pain provides a way that produces no addiction, side effects or psychoactive impact. Some doctors integrate CBD into the aftercare regimen for surgical patients. Unlike pain medications, it “does not cause kidney or liver issues” while it delivers the same pain relief. The answer to your question of “does cbd oil get you high” comes with knowledge. While medicinal marijuana does contain CBD, the component by itself does not deliver the high that THC provides. When you wonder how cbd makes you feel, you can have confidence that it does not make you high.
Confirmation of the beneficial qualities of CBD by The New York Times underscores the fact that it does not get you high. Reports by users claim that it relieves “pain, anxiety and depression” and stimulates appetites as well. The anti-inflammatory and anti-acne properties in CBD offer potential remedies for anyone whose ailments can benefit from treatment. Cannabis products offer wellness options that relieve sore muscles and painful joints.
HuffPost cites the opinion of a podiatrist who assures patients that CBD “has no psychoactive properties” that create effects. Not classified as a drug, it has legal status in 50 states, requires no prescription and has no association with the side effects of drug therapy. When taken consistently, “it can relieve pain and inflammation, and it can reduce or eliminate the need for drug therapy.”
Considering the Side Effects
When you wonder if cbd oil gets you high, you need to know that it does not. However, it does have side effects that can make you feel nauseous, tired or irritable. It can also increase the impact of the blood thinner that you use, and it may raise the level of some of your other medications. The Harvard report offers a reminder that the FDA does not regulate supplements such as CBD.
Understanding the Benefits and Limitations
CBD supplements may help you cope with anxiety, chronic pain and sleep problems, but it does not offer a miracle cure for dread diseases. The relief that it provides may make it worthwhile, but it has limitations that medical researchers discover as they try to understand the benefits that it delivers. If you decide to use it, you may want to check with your doctor to see if it affects your other medications.
Checking on the Legality
The legality of CBD depends on which type of plant produced it. CBD that growers produce from the hemp plant has legal standing if they stick to the statutory regulations. The 2018 Farm Bill moved hemp from the list of Schedule I substances to make it an “agricultural commodity.” Some people think that the legislation legalized CBD no matter its source, but you can avoid misleading information. The guidelines that make CBD from hemp legal include a THC content of less than 0.3%, adherence to regulations and production by a licensed grower. The 2018 legislation made it legal to possess, sell or transport hemp-derived CBD even including across state lines.
Finding Newly Available and Legal CBD Products
Manufacturers provide a variety of products that contain CBD. Bath salts may use it as an ingredient, and you may find CBD gummies, CBD pet treats and vape cartridges as well. Researchers at HuffPost provide some product names for your convenience in shopping.
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Beauty Products
In the line of beauty accessories, a product offers a rebalance bundle that treats your skin with a topical balm. Twenty minutes in natural bath salts may help relieve your stress, tiredness, aches and soreness. A brand of facial oil with 500 milligrams of CBD creates a glow as it penetrates and balances your skin with ingredients that include floral botanicals. CBD’s inflammation-fighting properties help reduce redness.
Pampered Skin
Another product that can reduce inflammation and restore moisture to facial skin combines rosehip oil with CBD while it promotes restful sleep and improves elasticity to areas around the eyes and mouth. A facial oil that uses CBD to target inflammation while rejuvenating skin contains ingredients that can increase your skin’s elasticity.
Oil Concentrate
You may place a drop of concentrated CBD oil under your tongue or use it as a skin moisturizer and antioxidant. Each drop contains 5 milligrams of CBD.
Quick Relief
When you need intense relief in a hurry, you may choose a potent formula that targets chronic pain with 100 milligrams of CBD. You can use the cooling method on areas that need help that lasts.
Cramps and Aches
For help getting the women in your life through monthly discomfort, you can choose capsules that contain 25 milligrams of pure CBD along with valerian root, a little caffeine and some cramp bark instead of relying on pain medications. A joint balm that contains coconut oil, shea butter and 150 milligrams of CBD can lessen the aches and pains from workouts. It can treat almost any other kind of bodily discomfort as it moisturizes and soothes skin.
Sleep Aid
An ideal remedy that promotes restful sleep comes in a unique formula that blends CBD with 10 milligrams of melatonin and a light touch of spearmint flavoring.
Tasty Treats
If the taste of chocolate appeals to you, some bars that contain edible CBD come in snack-sized bites in delicious flavors. You may enjoy the tempting tastes of raspberry, peanut butter, caramel coconut or others that let you break off a piece and know how much CBD it contains.
Targeted Dosage for Aches
Patches that deliver a strong dose that can target your aching knee or another area that hurts may give you relief when nothing else works. A body lotion infused with extra-strength CBD may help you recover from an intense workout or an overactive night of dancing at your favorite club. Each pump of the lotion delivers a measured dose of 2 milligrams.
Making Your Own
You can find 550-milligram crystals that let you make your own edibles, cosmetics or vaping supplies. Without color, odor or taste, the crystals can enhance any creative use that you choose.
Eye Relief
A soothing balm for red and inflamed eyes can reduce swelling when applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. One idea suggests applying it with a cold spoon to make the puffiness go away.
Whole Body Rescue
When your entire body suffers from stiff joints, muscle aches or overall chronic pain, you may choose a body balm that combines CBD with exotic spices to get relief.
The calming effect of chewing on CBD gummies can reduce inflammation as each one delivers 5 milligrams of CBD. A seaweed wrap replaces the gelatin coating to make them appropriate for vegans.
Lip Protection
Unlike any lip balm that you may know, a product that contains 25 milligrams of CBD, different kinds of butter and oils can keep lips moisturized and free of dryness or cracks.
Body Soap
Hand-cut bars of soap that contain 50 milligrams of CBD, honey and coconut oil produce a rich lather that nourishes the skin.
Vape Oil
Vaping can deliver CBD to produce calming and relaxing outcomes. A dropper of the oil enhances the vaping experience with 100% THC-free flavors.
This article was originally published on Real Tested CBD. To view the original article, click here.